Using C++17 metaprogramming to compute a function's signature at compile time

27 Jul 2020 - Matthieu

Constructing a string that represents a function’s signature in C++ is a common problem, often showing up when wrapping low-level C libraries with higher-level, heavily-templated C++ code. One way of getting a type name in C++ is as follows:

auto name = typeid(x).name();

Where x is the variable whose type name you want. Let’s use that for a function:

void f(const int&, char&&, long*, char[3][4]);
auto name = typeid(f).name();

When we print out the name however, we get FvRKiOcPlPA4_cE. Ouch! Quoting cppreference:

Some implementations (such as MSVC, IBM, Oracle) produce a human-readable type name. Others, most notably gcc and clang, return the mangled name, which is specified by the Itanium C++ ABI.

While we could go an use something like boost::core::demangle to produce a readable name, the whole type_info/demangle machinery works at run time. What if we want the string at compile time? And what if we want to customize it? An example would be returning "%d, %f -> %c" when given a function that looks like char f(int, float), as a way to produce a formatting string for a C-style logger.

This problem got me interested, so in this post I’ll show you how to produce a function’s signature at compile time in C++17, using a mix of templates, constexpr, and type traits.

Writing a type_name structure

The problem we want to solve consists of writing a type_name template structure with a get static function, such that for any type T, type_name<T>::get() will return a string name. Let’s start with its declaration.

template<typename... T>
struct type_name;

The use of a variadic template will make sense later. We now need to specialize this template structure for various types, and provide the get function in these specializations.

In C++17, std::string doesn’t have constexpr constructors, so we can’t have get return an std::string. We cannot return a char[] either. So we first need to write a little constexpr_string structure to hold strings that can be constructed and returned in a constexpr context.

template <unsigned N>
struct constexpr_string {
    char value[N];

Since we are not going to use typeid, we need to provide the name of simple types ourselves. Let’s specialize our type_name structure for simple types, for example int:

struct type_name<int> {
    static constexpr auto get() {
        return constexpr_string<4>{"int"};

In fact, let’s make this a macro, so we can call it for other basic types (or any classes to which we want to provide a name).

#define REGISTER_TYPE_NAME(__type__) \
    template<> struct type_name<__type__> { \
        constexpr static auto get() { \
            return constexpr_string<sizeof #__type__>{#__type__}; \
        } \


We could register names for a bunch of other basic types, but let’s leave it at that for the moment.

Let’s also provide a specialization for any type not registered:

template<typename T>
struct type_name<T> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        return constexpr_string<10>{"<unknown>"};

Concatenating constexpr_strings

If we want to display multiple type, as is typical in a function signature, we will need to concatenate constexpr_strings. This can be done in a constexpr context as follows.

template<unsigned ...L>
constexpr auto cat(const char (&...strings)[L]) {
    constexpr unsigned N = (... + L) - sizeof...(L);
    constexpr_string<N + 1> result = {};
    result.value[N] = '\0';

    char* dst = result.value;
    for (const char* src : {strings...}) {
        for (; *src != '\0'; src++, dst++) {
            *dst = *src;
    return result;

Let’s dive a little into this function: it takes as parameters an arbitrary number of char arrays (we will use that so we can directly pass string litterals as well). It then computes N as the sum of the lengths of all the input strings (sing a fold-expression) , minus the number of strings (to remove the trailing null-terminator of each string). It initializes the result string with a length of N+1 (to accomodate for result’s own null-terminator, which is assigned next). It then iterates over all the input strings, and over all their characters, to copy them into the result. All of this can be done at compile time.

Printing a list of type names

Using the above cat function, we can now specialize our type_name structure to handle a list of template parameters with more than one type. In this example we will add a ", " separator between them.

template<typename T1, typename ... Other>
struct type_name<T1, Other...> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        return cat(type_name<T1>::get().value, ", ",

We can now specialize the type_name for functions by using the above specialization to get a comma-separated list of argument types, preceded and followed by parenthesis, and follows by the type of the return value.

template<typename R, typename ... T>
struct type_name<R(T...)> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        return cat("(", type_name<T...>::get().value, ")",
                   " -> ", type_name<R>::get().value);

Now if we declare double f(int, char) and call type_name<decltype(f)>::get().value we obtain "(int, char) -> double".

Handling const, references, pointers, etc.

If we try what we have coded so far with double& f(const int&, char&&, float*, long[2][3]), we obtain… "(<unknown>, <unknown>, <unknown>, <unknown>) -> <unknown>". Very helpful… This is because while we have registered the basic types, we haven’t registered references to these types, or pointers, or arrays. We can fix that we going back to our specialization of type_name that took a single T parameter, and use type traits along with constexpr if statements to detect these modifiers.

template<typename T>
struct type_name<T> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>) {
            return cat(type_name<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>::get().value, "*");
        } else if constexpr (std::is_const_v<T>) {
            return cat("const ", type_name<std::remove_const_t<T>>::get().value);
        } else if constexpr (std::is_rvalue_reference_v<T>) {
            return cat(type_name<std::remove_reference_t<T>>::get().value, "&&");
        } else if constexpr (std::is_lvalue_reference_v<T>) {
            return cat(type_name<std::remove_reference_t<T>>::get().value, "&");
        } else {
            return constexpr_string<10>{"<unknown>"};

Now we get "(const int&, char&&, float*, <unknown>*) -> double&". Why is long[2][3] transformed into <unknown>*? Well, because long[2][3] decayes into long[2]*, not into long**, and our code doesn’t know how to handle arrays. We need to add support for arrays, as follows.

template<typename T>
struct type_name<T[]> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        return cat(type_name<T>::get().value, "[]");

template<typename T, std::size_t N>
struct type_name<T[N]> {
    constexpr static auto get() {
        return cat(type_name<T>::get().value, "[]");

We now have the following signature: "(const int&, char&&, float*, long[]*) -> double&". This mechanism ignores the length of the array N and just prints []. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to come up with a mechanism that builds a constexpr_string decimal representation of N in a constexpr context. If you understood the code above, and have some knowledge of constexpr, templates, and C++17 metaprogramming in general, you will surely find the solution.

There are of course some more details to take into considerations, such as handling member object/function pointers (with std::is_member_object_pointer and std::is_member_function_pointer), or properly displaying functions that take a function pointer as argument (for instance void g(int (*)(char, char)) is shown to have the type "((char, char) -> int*) -> void", which looks like it takes a function that returns an int*, instead of a pointer to a function that returns an int).

If you want to try the code of this blog post for yourself, you can head here and you’ll see from the assembly that all of this does compute the signature at compile time.