Python directives and domain-specific language

20 Jul 2020 - Matthieu

If you work in high-performance computing, you probably know the spack package manager. In spack, packages are defined as python classes, using what looks like a domain-specific language, as exemplified bellow.

class Zlib(Package):
    """A free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered lossless data-compression library."""

    homepage = ""
    url = ""

    version('1.2.11', sha256='c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1')
    version('1.2.8', sha256='36658cb768a54c1d4dec43c3116c27ed893e88b02ecfcb44f2166f9c0b7f2a0d')
    version('1.2.3', sha256='1795c7d067a43174113fdf03447532f373e1c6c57c08d61d9e4e9be5e244b05e')

    variant('pic', default=True,
            description='Produce position-independent code (for shared libs)')
    variant('shared', default=True,
            description='Enables the build of shared libraries.')
    variant('optimize', default=True,
            description='Enable -O2 for a more optimized lib')

    patch('w_patch.patch', when="@1.2.11%cce")


The developers of spack took inspiration from homebrew, another package manager, which uses Ruby for its domain specific language. While Ruby is very good for this purpose, Python is much harder to use, and I always wondered how spack packages worked. Today I dug into the code, and managed to reproduce what spack does. So let’s dive into it.

Let’s assume we want to implement the version and variant directives, and make them available within a MyPackage class.

class MyPackage(object):

Executing this code will, of course, produce an error:

NameError: name 'variant' is not defined

So we need to define these functions.

def variant(v):
   print('Calling variant with {}'.format(v))

def version(v):
   print('Calling version with {}'.format(v))

class MyPackage(object):

Now our code prints this:

Calling variant with x
Calling version with 1

Great… but how do we modify the MyPackage class to keep track of the versions and variants? Because after all, that’s what we are after. Well, we need to know when the class is being created by Python, and for this, we have metaclasses. Let’s write one, and have MyPackage use it.

from six import with_metaclass

class PackageMeta(type):

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
        print('Using {} to create class {} with bases {} and attributes {}'.format(
            cls.__name__, name, bases, attr_dict))
        return super(PackageMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)

def variant(v):
   print('Calling variant with {}'.format(v))

def version(v):
   print('Calling version with {}'.format(v))

class MyPackage(with_metaclass(PackageMeta)):

The code above now prints the following:

Calling variant with x
Calling version with 1
Using PackageMeta to create class MyPackage with bases () and attributes {'__module__': '__main__'}

We can see that the directives inside MyPackage are called first, then the __new__ method of the metaclass. We can use this to our advantage by having the variant and version functions modify some static attributes of the metaclass, then use these static attributes during the creation of the MyPackage class.

from six import with_metaclass

class PackageMeta(type):

    versions_to_add = []
    variants_to_add = []

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
        attr_dict['versions'] = PackageMeta.versions_to_add
        attr_dict['variants'] = PackageMeta.variants_to_add
        PackageMeta.versions_to_add = []
        PackageMeta.variants_to_add = []
        return super(PackageMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)

def variant(v):

def version(v):

class MyPackage(with_metaclass(PackageMeta)):

print('MyPackage has versions {}'.format(MyPackage.versions))
print('MyPackage has variants {}'.format(MyPackage.variants))

This code now successfully adds the versions and variants static attributes to the class, and will print the following:

MyPackage has versions ['1']
MyPackage has variants ['x']

We can make this code a little safer by using _versions_to_add instead of versions_to_add (private attribute), by defining a version static method in PackageMeta, and by adding version = PackageMeta.version right outside of the PackagetMeta class to make it usable at global scope.

Going one step further

The part of spack that implements the mechanism above is in the file. But if you read it, you will find that it doesn’t look very much like what I have shown above. This is because the spack developers have gone one step further by using decorators and functional programming to allow adding new directives as needed. We can try to do something similar:

from six import with_metaclass

class PackageMeta(type):

    list_names = set()
    directives_to_execute = []

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
        for name in PackageMeta.list_names:
            attr_dict[name] = []
        return super(PackageMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict)

    def __init__(pkg, name, bases, attr_dict):
        for directive in PackageMeta.directives_to_execute:
        PackageMeta.directives_to_execute = []

def directive(list_name):
    def _decorator(func):
        def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return _wrapper
    return _decorator

def variant(v):
    def _execute_variant(pkg):
    return _execute_variant

def version(v):
    def _execute_version(pkg):
    return _execute_version

class MyPackage(with_metaclass(PackageMeta)):

print('MyPackage has versions {}'.format(MyPackage.versions))
print('MyPackage has variants {}'.format(MyPackage.variants))

This code is, again, a simplification of what Spack does, but let’s dive into it, focusing on the variant directive (version works in exactly the same way).

The first thing Python encounters is the directive decorator wrapping the variant function. This directive takes the name of a list ("variants"): this is the list in which we will want to add variants. We pass this name to the decorator so that it can add this name to PackageMeta.list_names, a list of list names that PackageMeta will have to use when creating a class’ attributes.

The second thing the directive decorator does it return a _wrapper for the decorated function. At this point, the name variant does not refer to the variant function anymore, but to a wrapper around it, and PackageMeta.list_names contains "variants". More directives (like version) are added the same way.

Next, we enter the MyPackage definition, and call variant('x'). This calls the _wrapper function, which executes the actual variant function. The variant function returns the _execute_version function, which is stored in PackageMeta.directives_to_execute.

When, at last, PackageMeta.__new__ is called, PackageMeta.list_names contains the list of attributes that we have to create. This is done by adding them to the attr_dict variable. At this point, all is left is to call the actual directives. But we cannot do that before the class is created, since the directives take a class as argument. Hence, we have to call these directives in PackageMeta.__new__, which is called with the created class. This function goes through PackageMeta.directives_to_execute, finds _execute_variant in it and calls it, which leads to the variant being added to MyPackage.variants.

And voilà!